This profile offers excellent retention of landscape material while being the most functional. The mower style lets you mow right up to and even over the front edge of the curbing, saving you time with edging and trimming. This style also has a unique visual appeal as its shape sets off your landscaping with a picture frame type look. The mower style can be installed as regular gray concrete or colored.
The slant style is our most popular with its flat, sloped surface which allows it to be stamped and or textured. This angled slant look does a great job to show off any stamping or texturing that may be applied. This style also does a great job at retaining landscape materials because the back of the curbing is higher than the front. The front side of the curbing is generally set at ground level to accommodate lawn mower wheels. The slant style can be installed as regular gray concrete or it can be textured, stamped, and colored.
The curb style is generally set at ground level for lawn mowing. It is very popular in commercial lawn settings because it handles larger mower wheels and has a more massive look. It can be installed as regular gray concrete or it can be stamped and textured. Because it is set at ground level it is not as easily seen from the street and therefore leaves a groomed look without seeing as much concrete edging.
This style can be used like the regular curb style or it can be used as a retainer. The 6X6 is sometimes the spec that is used by commercial architects and it is simply placed deeper in the ground. Other applications may include retention of gravel, gardening materials or other driveway or walkway situations